Secrets and Shortcuts to Achievement
from Masters and Millionaires - with YOUR MrShortcut

    Prepare yourself for energy and excellence with largest website on earth for achievement shortcuts    

Every known human endeavor has shortcuts.       We call them PowerGems.

They work approx 99% of the time, and you're invited to begin a most exciting journey.
These are the shortcuts to achievement from Masters and Millionaires
Prepare yourself for energy and excellence with  largest network of shortcuts ever built...                 and all just for you.
PowerGems.     Imagine a single pair of hands creating 1,000+ unique sites.   Just for you.
These are the magnificent shortcuts used by your role models for achievement, and mine:
Shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
All connected.       All free.     Just for you.

Prepare yourself for energy and excellence with Shortcuts Route For Life of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires.
This is, without a doubt, the largest network of shortcuts ever built.

Prepare yourself for energy and excellence with Shortcuts Route For Life,
borne of the Shortcuts Route For Life.
With more than many hundreds of thousands of unique web pages on 1,089 unique websites, it is reasonably clear:
largest network of shortcuts Ever Created
... and it's all for you
This is the Shortcuts Route For Life of Winners and High Achievers, Role Models and Leaders

The Shortcuts Route For Life does not diagnose or cure diseases.
What we do is collect information, and, based on Dr. Cohen's thirty-plus years of research and experience,
counsel you on the those approaches and supplements that have proven to be most successful in helping you to regain your natural balance.

These thousands of pages are free for your life,
with the admonition not to do anything significant in your life,
NOW or EVER, without consulting with those doing it the best among us.
There is no shame in asking two, even three or a dozen professionals for opinions.
Looking at how a human lives, luxuriously or simply, is often enough to give a good hint.
Stop leaving critical decisions in the hands of others without multiple opinions.
It really is that simple, and with so many excellent internet resources,
you have no excuse for not learning more about what ails YOU.
Supplementation Presented By The Psychology of Shorresented in this Text.
Publication is made solely to inform readers who have a specific interest in alternative treatments
for every known human disorder, or close to it.

Readers are cautioned against following any course of treatment for any serious disease without medical consultation,
with a reminder that consultation does NOT mean letting someone make life-and-death decisions without your knowledge and consent.
Learn more in order to live more. PARTICIPATE in the decision-making process.
What you used to think was highly technical becomes very real when it hits home.

Raise your quality of life with shortcuts because no drug, no healer, no magic potions cure anybody.
No doctor, no particular bit of water can cure or heal or even, when you get down to it, even treat us.
ALL OF THESE THINGS, both good and bad, serious and risible, can only, at best, help us to help ourselves.
Understanding this may be the healthiest decision of your life. The views expressed herein are those of the author,
who may or may not be the most well-read human in all of history,
averaging a book or more per day for more than thirty years.

At Fourteen       All Quit Smoking Pages       ayurvedic-medicine
Ayurveda 2       Billions
Boost       Brain tuner       Breathing 2       Breath Of Life
Censored       Chelation 2       Chiropractic       Clearing       Cold Cure       Doctors
Doctors II       Economy       Health       Health2
Health Index       Herbal-medicine       Herbal-medicine2       Hugs       Hundreds       HUNGER       Iceberg       Infratonic       Masterlinks
Masters       Med Destiny       Medical dollars
Magic Elixir       Oxygen Therapy       Mini Index Page       Quit-smoking 2       Quit Smoking III       QXCI       Rife Technology

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