If I can't stop the wind I CAN certainly direct it


REACT..... OR RESPOND... ...your choice.

This entire concept, which constitutes a hugely powerful shortcut for getting what you want,
for living on a day-to-day basis with considerably more pleasure and satisfaction, was brilliantly defined by a man named Epictetus, who himself lived a happy, productive, mutually-empowering life. He taught the world so long ago -- and it still holds perfectly true now -- that
"When anything external distresses us,
it is not the event which causes us pain, rather,
our response to it... ... and this we have the power to revoke at every given moment."

You're asked to stop and give that statement fair consideration; for more than just a few seconds.
We understand that you're bright enough to see this line of thinking.
Being bright enough to follow this line of thinking is dramatically encouraged by nothing more complicated than mulling over it, and deciding that each event that comes your way, good, bad, or indifferent, has a silver lining that MUST be grabbed by you.

Stop being average!!!
Stand out from the crowd by responding better than the crowd.
No matter what happens, you always have that final choice of all humans:
the choice of deciding whether to react, or respond.

Your knee-jerk reactions have rarely ever produced good. Your carefully considered responses have produced good things on hundreds and hundreds of separate occasions.
Why not make a habit of responding with "What's good about this?" and
"How can this be used to advantage?"

Ask yourself and those around you better questions when events occur.
With few if any exceptions, you will consistently get better answers by asking better questions

At the end of the day, it's all pretty clear, and tough to deny:
The same energy that goes into griping invariably produces greater results and answers when we CHOOSE to focus on fixing the problem, rather than fixing the blame.

It's YOUR focus to use or waste: focus on what's wrong, or focus on how to fix it. As always, it's your choice, and your results will always be consistent with your efforts, hm?

Please, stop telling the world what you know; show the world what you know.



If you were paid 1,000 dollars for each idea on how you’d accomplish one of your wishes, with a one-hour time limit, how many ideas would we see?
Don’t tell us; put it into writing.

These are the truest magical shortcuts, direct from the mouths of more than a thousand millionaires. What else needs saying? Stop talking. What is the desired end? How many ways can you produce to get it done? Put it in writing in the next 100 seconds.

I’ve personally interviewed more than 5,200 masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, most of them self-made men and women.
The most definitive pattern found amongst a definitive majority?
Their success was due to incessant goal-setting, brain-storming ideas on how to get it done, and asking more people for what they want... than you have been willing to ask.

If you’re really desirous of increasing your income, of being one of our true leaders,
I think you’d be best served by getting out your pen and paper and getting busy.

More importantly than what I think is a good idea, what do YOU think?
Please don’t tell us... show us.

   Masters and Millionaires II      Pay You       HotClick       Health Index       Doctors I    
    Cure your cold.... FAST!       Psoriasis CURE!       Asclepius the Idiot   
      Masters and Millionaires        HotClick       GW Bush         Shame       
Welcome to the Shortcuts Route For Life ,
borne of the Shortcuts Route For Life .
with over one million unique web pages on 988 websites, this is
The Largest Personal Website On The Internet
... all for your success
This is the Shortcuts Route For Life of Winners and High Achievers, Role Models and Leaders

MisterShortcut determined to share as many high-powered shortcuts as possible,
empowering people to empower themselves with tools already mostly at their disposal.
What you do speaks so loudly that we really do not need or care to hear the words you speak.
Better to show us than to tell us, true? More, best of all to show the face found in the nearest mirror.
Shortcuts have worked for thousands of years, so, shortcuts give a basis for the Shortcuts Route For Life.
Make more use of each resource, such as your most precious resource, commonly known as "a minute."
You have no more precious possession, do you? What good is money without time to spend or give it?
Each day is an entirely fresh set of opportunities for you, even when circumstances are as desired.
Is that not enough to justify the Shortcuts Route For Life, for the Shortcuts Route For Life to work?
Hey, if it is to be, it is up to me. Wiser people exist in every walk of life, who teach pioneering.
They live their own Shortcuts Route For Life, and create OUR Shortcuts Route For Life.
Identify the ten most important things you need to do before you shuffle off this coil.
List the people and organizations who have the authority to help you in your goal.
Ask one hundred decision makers as many times each as you may need to.

Learn more, so you can live more, preferably with a natural inclication.

Live and breathe your own Shortcuts Route For Life perception.